Eastern Indoor Sports Centre

archery warz

archery warz

Archery warz at Eastern Indoor is Melbourne’s first dedicated Player vs. Player Archery Gaming and Live Action Archery experience. Bow Tag combines elements of Paintball and Dodgeball with the fun of Archery. The foam tipped arrows make this booking safe, fun and an enjoyable experience for all! Bow Tag Archery is great for all adult events including Social Events, Kids Birthday Parties (ages 12+), Adult Birthday Parties, Buck’s/Hen’s and Corporate Team Building.

Our referees help ensure you have a great time, tailoring the games and activities to your age, fitness level, preferences and group dynamic!

Bow Tag Archery is a competitive, action-packed game that combines elements of archery and tag. Players use foam-tipped arrows and bows to shoot at opponents in a designated play area, similar to paintball or laser tag but with safe archery equipment. The objective is to “tag” other players by hitting them with arrows, while dodging and taking cover behind obstacles. Depending on the game mode, players can either be eliminated when hit or continue after a short respawn time. Safety gear, such as masks or goggles, is usually worn to protect the face, making it a thrilling but safe experience for participants of all ages.

A typical Bow Tag Archery war session begins with players being divided into teams, each equipped with a bow and foam-tipped arrows. After a brief safety briefing and instruction on how to properly use the equipment, players are led into a designated battlefield, often set up with obstacles like inflatable barriers or natural cover. The game mode is explained, which could be anything from team elimination to capture the flag or points-based matches. Once the session starts, players strategically take cover, dodge arrows, and shoot at opponents, aiming to tag them out by hitting them with arrows. If hit, players may either be eliminated or need to retreat to a respawn area before rejoining the game, depending on the rules.

Flexi Options

Eastern Indoor provides an amazing opportunity to suit every need. You can join an activity here. We can arrange a private activity at your venue / location. Or you could bring the whole team here and host a private party. So what will you choose?

Book a casual session


$ 20 /Per Person, Per Hour
  • 1 Hour Hosted Session
  • Designated Host/Referee
  • Equipment included

Come to you | Hosted Combo


$ 32.50 /Per Person, 2 Hour
  • 1 x Hosted Activity
  • Designated Host/Referee
  • Equipment included

Private Hire / Event


$ On Enquiry
  • 1 Hour Hosted Session
  • Designated Host/Referee
  • Equipment included

How it works

Bow Tag Archery war works by pitting two teams or individual players against each other in an arena where the objective is to tag opponents using bows and foam-tipped arrows. Players shoot arrows at each other while dodging, taking cover behind obstacles, and strategically planning their shots. When a player is hit, depending on the game rules, they may be temporarily eliminated and sent to a respawn area or eliminated from the round entirely. Some game modes involve additional objectives like capturing a flag or knocking out targets to win. Players typically wear protective gear like face masks or goggles, ensuring the game remains safe while maintaining a fast-paced, adrenaline-filled environment. The session continues until one team wins by eliminating all opponents or completing the game’s objective.

Check out our latest games

Join us today, come with your friends or we can go to you !


We offer a host of options for Bow Tag Archery Events. Find out more below.
Make sure to try them all out 


The most popular game format for Bow Tag follows the same elimination process as Dodgeball, with a few variations. If you get hit, you head to the sidelines and then there are a couple of ways to be brought back in by your team mates.


There are no targets and no way of coming back in. Once you are hit, you are out for the rest of the game.


In this game mode, the 5 spot targets are removed. You start with two opposing teams and if a player is hit, they become commit Treason and join the other team. The winning team ends up with everyone on their side.


Each team has a doctor. When a player is hit, they must sit in their position. The doctor's role is to 'heal' his team's players by tagging them back to life. A game is won when the opposing doctor is hit.


When a player is hit, they go to 'prison', which is an area behind the opposition's end. They lay down their bow and the only way back into the game is to catch an arrow show by their team mates.


The same as Prison Break, except players keep their bows and can use arrows sent by team mates to hit an opponent so as to re-enter the game.


There are four teams divided into equal quadrants. Players are eliminated by being hit. The team that eliminates the last player from a quadrant then takes over that quadrant. A team wins by eliminating all of their opponents.


A pair or more of shooters are chosen and a remaining group (usually 6) of players are divided into Bucks and Does. Usually they wear different colour masks or a headband. The group gather 10-15 metres up court from the shooters. They then attempt to run across, leaving at least two seconds apart. If the shooters fail to hit a Buck or hit a Doe at any point, their turn is over.


A shooter or pair of shooters is chosen. The remaining group make a dash for the other end of the court, trying to avoid being hit. If a player is hit, they join the shooting team. The winner is the last runner left.

CALL US NOW (03) 9763 5589

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